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Car Rental Support

Save on your next car rental with car rental discounts!

Car Rental Support Tips:

Car Rental Savers offers support on all rentals made through our website. If you have a problem we will do our best to solve it. To get the best car rental experience follow our tips:

  • Be prepared before pick up. Have your license and credit/debit card, know if you need any add ons and carry your insurance card (just in case).
  • Always have a copy of your reservation handy.
  • Review your contract and vehicle carefully before leaving the lot.
  • Take photos of your vehicle when picking up and when dropping off.
  • Try to resolve any issues at the rental location. Speak to a manger if needed.
  • Resolve issues as soon as possible.
  • Let us know if you had issues, we want our renters to have the best experience possible. Often we can help when the rental agency will not.

Car Rental FAQs:

Everything you wanted to know about car rental - if it is not in there, ask us.

Car Rental Resources:

Useful resources to assist you with your next car rental, including agency phone numbers, tips and airport code lookup tools.

Contact Us:

Let us know if you have an issue, need assistance, have a great coupon to share, etc. We are here to help everyone get cheapest car rental possible. You can also contact us via the feedback form through out the site.

Reservation Help:

A resource to assist you with any booking made via Smart Book. Answers to commonly asked questions and more.

Reservation Lookup:

Find your Smart Book reservation using your trip ID and email address. Here you can print a copy, forward to a friend, make a change, or cancel.